Anne Kelly

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Super ordinary young lady, Kelly.

20 April, 2012

College Work #3 - Argumentative Essay

Women Should Quit Working After Delivering

Why should women quit working after delivering a baby? I strongly disagree with the statement. When it comes to making a decision about being unemployed after delivering there are many issues to consider. Women today have different circumstances from when their mother or grandmother were pregnant, with more working full or part-time and many couples relying on two wages to support their commitments. Essentially, modern life has created increasing pressure on pregnant women to continue working after their delivery. Hereby I came out with a new statement, women should stop working instead og quit working.

Women will be very weak after delivering a baby and there is a few things women should do after delivery. First and foremost, women should consume healthy and nutritious food. A new mother should consume food rich in iron, vitamin C and many others. A new mother can also take supplement prescribed by the doctor. Besides that, a new mother should not do heavy works such as carrying heavy loads, cleaning the house. Instead they should have a good rest as their body will be very weak. Moreover, a new mother should also do some light exercise such as yoga to take care of the body.

Women must not urge to go back to work as the body is not completely healthy after the delivery of a baby. A new mother can only go back to work in within of 30 to 40 days of rest. This step must be taken to ensure that the body has fully recharged to work in a hectic environment. Maternity leave was given to women who delivers and therefore a new mother must grab the opportunity to rest so that the body can be as healthy as before.

A new mother that has return to work must take some important preecaution so that she will not hurt herself. Examples of precaution that must be taken is a new mother should not carry heavy loads as the uterus might collapse if she is carrying a heavy load. Besides that, a new mother should not squat down if something fell to the floor or to tske things from a very high place. This is mainly because the uterus is not healed and will cause the uterus to collapse. A new mother should not skip meals at the work place even if there is a lot of task to do. Meals are very important as a new mother is already weak and lack of nutrition.

In conclusion, I can conclude that it is not a necessity to quit working. But a new mother must get enough rest and consume a lot of nutritious food to repair all the cells and recharge the body. Why must a woman sacrifice  doing something they love in work for the sake of delivering a baby. A new mother can still do the things they love at their work place.

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