Anne Kelly

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Super ordinary young lady, Kelly.

17 April, 2012

College Work #2 - Narrative Essay

A lot of things are running in my head as I am on my journey back to Kuala Lumpur to receive my SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) results. I already had a sense of palpitation since a week ago. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't explain how nervous I am. At the same time, I am tremendously happy to meet my friends again after a few months of school holidays. On the whole journey home, I usually enjoy the sight of the palm trees along the highway but on that particular day, I could only see the faces of my parents. My parents put a very high hope on their youngest daughter as my elder sister scored very well for her SPM Examination. Meanwhile, I also hope to receive an excellent result.

The night before I receive my SPM results, I could hardly close my eyes and sleep. I started counting sheeps and yet I could not fall asleep. After hours and hours of rolling and tossing in the bed, I decided to run downstairs to get a cup of warm milk. At the staircase, I could hear my parents talking about my future. I eavesdropped their conversation. I know deep in my heart, I really want to make them proud of me. They have been sacrificing a lot for me. My father had spent a lot to buy revision books for me and meanwhile my mother had given up her job to send me to school everyday.I forget about my cup of warm milk and ran back into my room. A lot of things started to manipulate me. How if I did not get an exceleent results? How if I did not fulfill my parents' wishes? Cold sweat started to flow behing my neck.

I have no idea how but I fell asleep at last. I woke up the next morning with a nightmare. I dreamt that I failed my Additional Mathematics paper and I have a few B's for my SPM. I woke up crying as I am really terrified.  I went to my laptop straight away and google search the meaning of the nightmare I dreamt. And Google says, "This dream usually manifests itself in people who are no longer students. In the dream they fail the test because they are unable to finish the test on time, they could miss equipment, or they can't find the test room. He/she is unprepared for something". I started to sense something bad but I am still hoping for the best. I can do nothing but pray for the best.

My parents volunteer to send me to scholl to take the results. Instead I decided to go by myself. I promised to my parents to call back once I get my results. On the way to school, I came across some of my schoolmates. We started talking about school and bow nervous we are to receive our results. When I reached school, I can see a lot of my friends. Some of my friends are with their parents, but most of them came by themselves. Everyone looked very nervous. I have butterflies in my stomach and I can feel the cold sweat behing my neck.

The principal came to the canteen to call us to gather in the school's hall. Some of us started screaming and crying. In the hall, the principal congratulate all of us. I can see the teachers smiling form ear to ear. The principal started the ceremony by calling the 8 A's students. My friends are called up the stage to take their results. I wonder if I am one of the lucky one. To my suprise, my name is called. I went up to stage and took my results with joy. Altough I did not manage to get straight A's for my SPM Examination but I have tried my best. I am grateful with the results I got. Straight away, I called my parents and they were happy to hear that I received an excellent result. I am happy that all my hard work is paid off. 
thank you for dropping by to read my bloggie :)